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Work, Technology, and Society

Research Lead: Lilly Irani

The Center for Work, Technology, and Society draws together the analysis of technology, organization, and political economy to forge more equitable futures of work. The center will address both the analysis of large-scale transformations in the organization of work, as well as processes for more democratically designing these futures. The center explicitly draws on modes of analysis drawn from communication, feminist studies, anthropology, and ethnic studies — areas that help us understand how to center design on people while expanding the conception of people we place at the center of transformational design projects.

The center will be built to influence the world of technologically mediated work through all means necessary: design of promising models, citizen engagement, and policy expertise. To do so credibly, our research will draw on rigorous analyses of politics, economy, and culture — expertise adequate to the spheres we desire to influence — and combine it with the power of public demos and experiments to model the futures we hope to bring about.

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