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We offer a wide-range of opportunities for learning human-centered design. We have established an official undergraduate Design Minor at UCSD. We are actively expanding the curriculum at all levels, including a planned PhD specialization (a minor for doctoral students). We also offer online courses in Interaction Design and Human-Centered Design.


Our research focuses on building a substantive body of theory and evidence-based insights to establish a scientific basis for design. We strive to distill best practices in design, across a range of domains from health and autonomous vehicles, to online education and civic engagement.

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PHD Programs

Our research focuses on building a substantive body of theory and evidence-based insights to establish a scientific basis for design.


Our research focuses on building a substantive body of theory and evidence-based insights to establish a scientific basis for design.


Our research focuses on building a substantive body of theory and evidence-based insights to establish a scientific basis for design.

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