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Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 4:00 P.M.

CSE 1202 on the UCSD campus

Video will be posted 2 weeks after talk date


Your Search Algorithm is Political.

Artificial intelligence is a human rights issue in the 21st century. Data scientists and engineers work outside the context of the civil and human rights abuses that algorithms foster. STEM education provides little engagement with issues giving future developers tools or stake in these issues. In this talk, I provide evidence from my new book, Algorithms of Oppression about Google Search, the way it misrepresents people and communities, and the harm that comes from these algorithmic practices – practices designed and implemented by humans. I underscore the role of search engines and other decision making systems of its ilk in contributing to oppression and racist marginalization. With artificial intelligence must come accountability.

Safiya Umoja Noble is Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California (USC) Annenberg School of Communication.  Noble is the co-editor of two books, The Intersectional Internet: Race, Sex, Culture and Class Online and Emotions, Technology & Design. Follow her on Twitter @safiyanoble. All books by Safiya Umoja Noble (Google Map Link)

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