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Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 4:00 p.m.

CSE 1202 on the UCSD campus

At the request of the speaker, video will not be recorded for the talk.


Designing for Humans in the Era of Algorithmic Decision-Making

We need a new set of language and frameworks to design for humans in the era of algorithmic decision-making. How are corporations approaching these issues? What are the gaps and what is design’s role? In this talk, Tricia will share some the of the practical ways she is working with companies to better understand how to approach design for this new era. In particular, she will highlight her work around teaching companies how to integrate thick data.


Dr. Tricia Wang, a global tech ethnographer, lives at the intersection of data, design, and marketing. She is the co-founder of Sudden Compass, a consulting firm that helps companies achieve growth by scaling and extracting insights from data about their customers. Organizations she’s worked with include P&G, Kickstarter, NASA, Spotify, and GE. She co-founded Magpie Kingdom, a content and strategy company showcasing stories about the Chinese internet through a weekly newsletter and advising companies on how to understand the Chinese consumer. Tricia’s work with Fortune 500 companies and her fieldwork research have been featured in Techcrunch, The Atlantic, Al Jazeera, Slate, Wired, The Guardian and Fast Company. She is a pioneer in popularizing the need for companies to integrate Big Data and what she calls, Thick Data, which she describes in her talk on TED. Much of her recent writing is focused on the integration of human insights into artificial intelligence and the importance of perspective shifting and perception. Her life philosophy is to be on the edges without being on edge. She’s the proud companion of her internet famous dog, #ellethedog.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 4:00 p.m.
CSE 1202 on the UCSD campus (Google Map Link)

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