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5 Books to Make Your 2016 Magical

January 7, 2016

5 Books to Make Your 2016 Magical

  1. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

With over 2 million copies sold, it’s no surprise that this self-help guide is on the top of our list! This book is an ultimate favorite amongst the Mamma Chia team. Tolle guides you through a magical and inspiring spiritual journey to find your true and deepest self. In this book, you will learn to conquer your biggest enemy, the mind, and how to awaken your soul to fully live in the present. Tolle will guide you on how to connect with the indestructible essence of your Being, “the eternal, ever-present One Life beyond the myriad forms of life that are subject to birth and death.” How Magical does that sound?

  1. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo

Is your New Year’s resolution to de-clutter your home? If so, this is the book for you! This #1 New York Times best-selling guide will show you how to simplify and organize your home once and for all. Kono, a Japanese cleaning consultant, will take you step-by-step through her revolutionary KonMari Method for organizing and storing. She asks you to determine which items in your home “spark joy” (and which items do not), yielding long-lasting results. Once you complete Kono’s guide, you’ll never have to worry about de-cluttering again. We promise :)

  1. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

Another #1 New York Times best-seller! In this self-help book, Gilbert offers profound insight into the mysterious world of creativity, with the core message that creativity is inside all of us. You will learn how to tackle what you love most, and how to face down your biggest fears in the effort to let go of “needless suffering.” Big Magic will help you find the time in your life to do something you really enjoy, all while filling your life with wonder and unpredicted joys. Now, that’s some Big Magic!

  1. The Noticer: Sometimes, all a person needs is a little perspective by Andy Andrews

In this book, a mysterious man named Jones has the gift of noticing things that others miss, communicating what he calls “a little perspective.” Jones has the gift of showing up at just the right time in people’s lives, giving them a little perspective on the things they might have missed. “Your time on this earth is a gift to be used wisely,” he says. Jones speaks to the desire in everyone to understand why things happen and what we can do about it. This unique narrative blend of fiction, allegory and inspiration will show you how being a “noticer” might change your life forever.

  1. The Body Book by Cameron Diaz with Sandra Bark

Our list wouldn’t be complete without another #1 New York Times bestseller! Throughout her career, Cameron Diaz has been a role model for millions of women. With a passion to educate and motivate, Diaz shares her formula for becoming happier, healthier and stronger. Grounded in science and inspired by personal experience, The Body Book offers a comprehensive overview of the human body and mind, from the cellular level up. If you’re looking for a holistic, long-term approach to living a long, strong, happy and healthy life, we highly recommend this book for you!

5 Books to Make your 2016 Magical

Remember, this is YOUR year. Make it a magical one!