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5 Ways to Celebrate National Upcycling Day

5 Ways to Celebrate National Upcycling Day


Reduce, reuse, UPcycle! Did you know that June 24th is National Upcycling Day? We encourage you to get in touch with your creative side and make something beautiful and new out of something old! See below how you can celebrate this special day by upcycling your Mamma Chia bottles into something fresh, new and functional! After all, the best things in life are (almost) free!

1. DIY Upcycled Bottle Cap Magnets

What brings you joy? Is it crafting, painting, or upcycling items? If so, we have a quick and easy DIY in store for you! Start building your Mamma Chia beverage cap collection and transform them into your own one-of-a-kind  fridge magnets that give you playful reminders to “embrace the wacky you” throughout the day!

5 Ways to Celebrate National Upcycling Day

5 Ways to Celebrate National Upcycling Day


2. Mamma Chia Bottles as Kitchen Decor | By the Resource Girls

Sometimes the kitchen can be the hardest area in our home to decorate. Maybe it’s because it tends to be the room that seems the most daunting, or depending on where you live, it can be the room with the least amount of space. If you’re in need of a little inspiration and want to spice up your kitchen decor, then this is the perfect DIY for you.  The best part? It’s both decorative and functional and that’s a win-win in our book!

5 Ways to Celebrate National Upcycling Day

Mamma Chia Bottles as Kitchen Decor by The Resource Girls


3. DIY Upcycled Sea Glass Vases

What’s more delightful than visiting your local farmer’s market for a bundle of fresh flowers and placing them in your very own sea glass vase?  Brighten up your home with this popular decor trend and recreate this DIY that helps make Mamma Earth brighter, too!

5 Ways to Celebrate National Upcycling Day

5 Ways to Celebrate National Upcycling Day

4. Upcycled Tealight Candles

Do you enjoy the inspirational quotes you find underneath our caps? One Mamma Chia fan loved them so much she created this amazing DIY that we get to share with you! Light up your home or backyard summer BBQ with these Magical upcycled bottle cap tealights created by Julie Divinski, of Soy Wicks & Sticks!

5 Ways to Celebrate National Upcycling Day

DIY Upcycled Tealight

5. DIY Recycled Mamma Chia Holiday Bottles

Have your very own winter wonderland in your home this year with these DIY recycled Mamma Chia bottles. You can create this magical piece with any of our beverage bottles (we used our Chia Energy and Chia Vitality Beverage bottles) to dazzle your guests this holiday season. This inexpensive DIY project will bring joy and peace to your home, as well as, Mamma Earth.

5 Ways to Celebrate National Upcycling Day

DIY Recycled Mamma Chia Holiday Bottles