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Seeds of Life
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Seeds of Life
Seeds of Life

5 Ways to Love Yourself

February 11, 2016

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, we often lose focus of what’s most important in our lives – ourselves! This weekend, we encourage you to find the time to say, “I love ME!” with some indulgent self-love. Here’s 5 simple ways to create some well-deserved me time.

1. Make Your Own Bath Bomb and Use It

What better way to sit back and relax than from the comfort of your own bathtub?  Buy yourself some flowers, submerge, and soak in this bath bomb. DIY inspiration from A Pumpkin & A Princess.

Source: A Pumpkin & A Princess
Source: A Pumpkin & A Princess


2. Get a Mani/Pedi

Grab a friend and get out of the house or bring the nail party to your place! Either way, this simple nail design trick from The Beauty Department will be sure to keep those hands and feet in the festive spirit.

Source: The Beauty Department
Source: The Beauty Department


3. Take a Yoga Class

Clear your mind, ground yourself in the moment and, most importantly, sweat it out! Try a new yoga studio around your area or explore a new pose you’ve always been wanting to try. Your body will thank you for re-centering it back to balance.

Source: @jessicarichburg
Source: @jessicarichburg


4. Snuggle Up and Read a Book

Curl up in your favorite spot in the house, make a cup of tea, and light a candle. Be a bookworm for a day, giving yourself an hour or even an entire evening to invest yourself in the moment, without any distractions.



5. Go For a Walk

Get outside for a breath of fresh air! Explore a new hiking trail or take your furry friend to the park. Spend time doing what feels good for you physically and mentally by checking back in with yourself while exploring what the beautiful outdoors has to offer.

Photo Jul 24, 3 21 36 PM
Chia Squeeze