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Berry Chia Yogurt Pops

Summer is right around the corner and the weather is already heating up! Chill out with these 5-ingredient Berry Chia Yogurt Pops that are so simple to make you wont’t even break a sweat!

Blackberry & Wild Raspberry Yogurt Pops


Blackberry & Wild Raspberry Yogurt Pops



  1. Blend the blackberries in a food processor or blender until it reaches a puree-like consistency.Blackberry & Wild Raspberry Yogurt Pops
  2. Grab a large bowl and pour the blackberry puree in. First, add the 2 tablespoons of organic honey and 1 Wild Raspberry Chia Squeeze with the blackberry puree. Next, add you vanilla yogurt being mindful to barely mix with the berries to create a marbled design when the Popsicle is finished.Blackberry & Wild Raspberry Yogurt Pops
  3. Fill your Popsicle molds with the completed mixture and stow away in your freezer overnight.Blackberry & Wild Raspberry Yogurt Pops
  4. Crack open the freezer, pull out a pop, and enjoy!Blackberry & Wild Raspberry Yogurt Pops