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Power Up with Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds for Energy

Power up and give your workout an added boost by consuming chia seeds for energy! A tablespoon of these nutritious seeds are the perfect ingredient to incorporate into pre-workout snacks like protein bites or chia pudding. Our Chia Energy Beverage is also a quick way to hydrate prior to an intense workout, plus you get the added kick of natural caffeine from guayusa.  Why does chia give you energy? Well, these tiny seeds are packed with protein, fiber, and omega-3s to provide a balanced ratio of nutrition!  Avoid spikes and drops in your blood sugar or insulin levels by consuming these powerful seeds to fuel your body, keeping it happy and satisfied throughout your entire work out.

Combine this pre-workout nutrition with a quick 5 minute ab routine and take your fitness regimen up a notch! Set time aside at the beginning or end of your workout and tighten your core with this speedy combo of exercises for tighter abs. This workout requires no extra equipment, so feel free to get your heart rate pumping wherever your day takes you!

First, warm up your body. Sit back into Child’s Pose to open your hips for a few breaths. Slowly rise to a tabletop position and flow through Cow and Cat Pose to warm up your back and begin to engage your core. Inhale as you drop your belly for Cow and exhale as you arch your back up to the sky, drawing your belly in for Cat. Move one breath to one movement until your body is ready for the core workout.

*Please listen to the wisdom of your body while attempting the following routine. Each movement will be performed non-stop for 1 minute without any pauses in between each exercise.

  1. Mountain Climbers

Chia Seeds for Energy

Return to a neutral tabletop position and extend one leg out straight behind you, one at a time, to set yourself up into a plank position. Shoulders will be stacked directly over wrists, belly button is drawn up and in towards your spine. Create a straight line with your body and tense your quads to fully engage your body.  Have a clock or stopwatch handy to keep track of when you need to switch to the next ab exercise. Start the clock and one knee at a time begin to pull them in towards your chest, alternating each leg for 1 minute. Remember to keep a flat spine throughout this movement and to work at your own pace!

  1. Superman Planks

Chia Seeds for Energy

In this round, you will alternate between lifting the opposite arm with the opposite leg at the same time, while in a plank position and keeping your core pulled in tight. Begin by lifting your left arm and right leg at the same time until arm is shoulder height and leg is hip height. Switch arms and legs, lifting your right arm and left leg this time. Alternate between each side for 1 minute.

  1. Side Plank Crunches

Chia Seeds for EnergyLay on your right side and drop down onto your elbow, being mindful that your shoulder is stacked directly over your elbow with your fingertips pointing in the same direction that you are facing. Spin to the outside of your right ankle and stack the left ankle on top, lifting your hips up to the sky while pressing down with your palm. Extend your left arm overhead and lift the left leg up to match. Crunch your left elbow in to meet your left knee and extend back straight. Repeat this movement for 30 seconds then switch sides. Remember to try to not take any breaks in between transitioning.

  1. V-Ups Crunch

Power Up with Chia Seeds

Take a seat and slowly lower down onto your back one vertebrae at a time. Legs are extended straight, arms are stretched overhead. For 1 minute you will crunch up, bringing your knees in toward your chest as you rise up onto your sitting bones. Lift your heart forward rather than hunching your shoulders, allowing you to use all of your core strength to sit up. Make sure you aren’t using the weight of your arms to hoist you up and keep shins parallel to the sky as you lift.

  1. Windshield Wipers

Power Up with Chia Seeds

Time to target your obliques! Return your back to the floor and extend your arms out to a “T” by your sides. Lift your legs back up if they aren’t already. Keeping your legs as straight as possible above your hips, alternate leaning your legs to the left and right. Remember to pause for a second in the middle before switching to the other side so you are in control and gentle on your lower back. Press into your palms to keep you grounded and stable.

After you’ve completed the ab workout flip over onto your belly and press yourself into Cobra pose to stretch your core and relieve it of the heat you created. Repeat this workout as much as you desire!

Happy Sweating!