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Chia Seeds for Runners

Benefits of Chia Seeds for Runners

On your mark, get set, GO! Lace up your running shoes, grab a Mamma Chia Beverage full of organic chia seeds and drink up before you head out the door to get your sweat on! Chia seeds for runners? You bet! These magical seeds will take you that extra mile – whether you’re training, in the middle of a race or just out for a jog.

Think consuming chia seeds before a run is just a fad?  Think again! Chia seeds actually date back to as early as 3,000 B.C. when they were essential for sustaining both the Aztec and Mayan warriors for up to 24 hours. However, it was the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico’s Copper Canyon who introduced chia seeds into their diet prior to long distance runs to power their stamina. These small, but mighty seeds are one of the most nutrient dense superfoods on the planet and are packed with Omega-3’s, complete protein, fiber, potassium and so much more! They have rapidly gained popularity in today’s diet and if we look to history, they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon!

Want to UP your running game? Here’s a list of reasons why we recommend chia seeds for runners!

1. Chia is Key to Hydration

The golden rule to running is to always stay hydrated and chia can help with this! Soak some seeds in water for 10-15 minutes and watch them swell up to 12x their normal size. When you drink a 10 oz. glass of water mixed with 1 tbsp. of chia seeds 30 minutes before your run, you’ll reap the benefits of that additional H2O, helping you stay hydrated longer and kicking your thirst to the curb.

2. Reduce Inflammation and Joint Pain

Putting lots of miles of strain on your lower limbs? The Omega-3 essential fatty acids found in chia seeds help to relieve stress off your joints during and after your runs.  Adding chia into your routine will not only make your angry joints happy, but speed up the recovery process your body needs to heal, as well.

3. Avoid Cramping

Nothing is worse than a calf cramp in the middle of a run. Ouch! Everyone knows the common remedy to muscle cramps is potassium (aka eat a banana), but why not try some chia instead. On a gram for gram basis, chia seeds actually have 2x more potassium than bananas!  Next time instead of reaching for our yellow fruit friend, choose some chia seeds that can also help regulate body fluid levels and retain electrolytes.

4. Run Longer

Sometimes we all want to go that extra mile, and now, maybe you can! To help you achieve this, these absorbent seeds can help slow the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar, making sure the carbs consumed prior to running can fuel the body for longer periods of time. Why stop at 3 miles when you can actually run 5?

5. Extra Boost of Energy

Chia seeds are already an amazing source of natural energy, but give your body more nourishment or an extra boost of energy to take your running to the next level! Drink a Mamma Chia Organic Chia Energy Beverage prior to a run to not only hydrate your body, but get an all-natural kick of caffeine sourced from the Amazonian tea leaf, Guayusa (gwhy-you-sa). This organic energy beverage will get you out the door within minutes and keep you focused until you reach the finish line. Another running favorite, Mamma Chia Organic Chia Squeeze pouches! These on-the-go snacks are so light and compact you can easily stash one in your pocket or water belt for a tasty pick-me-up in the middle of your run!

Whether you’re hitting the pavement for the first time or a seasoned marathoner, remember your body needs rest, water and plenty of nutrients for recovery. Introduce chia seeds into your running routine, or into your everyday diet, to feel the effects of this superfood. Consume them prior, during or after a run and you will notice the difference! Chia seeds for runners are truly beneficial for any level!

Happy running!