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Seeds of Life
Seeds of Life

Coconut Yogurt Parfait by Connor Haris

January 21, 2016

Happy Healthy New Year!

This chia-licious Coconut Yogurt Parfait is a fun way to fuel up and get back on track with our 2016 health goals. Big thanks to our favorite male vegan Instagrammer @connorharis for inspiring us with this beautiful creation! Who knew healthy eating could look good and taste even better!?

Coconut Yogurt Parfait | Mamma Chia



  1. Create your chia seed gel by simply mixing 1/3 cup of chia seeds with 8 oz. of water + a tablespoon of any added sweetener you prefer (or 8 oz. milk of your choice for chia pudding), let it sit aside for 15 minutes to let the chia seeds soak and expand into a pudding like consistency.
  2. Gather your other ingredients and begin to layer your parfait in any order you desire.
  3. Dig in and enjoy!

About the author: 


Connor Haris is a teen food Instagrammer who started his health journey at the age of 13 after facing multiple life threatening diseases and mental issues. Connor created his YouTube channel and Instagram to document his journey and share his experiences with his followers. Connor’s Instagram @connorharis has reached an audience of over 13 thousand and growing, and his YouTube channel has over 100 thousand views.

“I want to give people hope that living a healthy and compassionate lifestyle is not just possible for all ages but is also an extraordinary and vibrant way of living.”