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Seeds of Life

Cranberry Chia Sugar Scrub

Homemade gifts are truly the most special, especially ones that seed your skin! Why not spend time this holiday season, crafting your own handmade scrub, with the help of Mamma Chia! Our Cranberry Chia Sugar Scrub is the perfect gift to share with co-workers, teachers, neighbors, and family! Simple and easy to make, we promise this will be a go-to for all occasions.

Oh, and don’t forget to make a jar for yourself!

Cranberry Chia Sugar Scrub

Need Need Need!

  • 1 cup Organic Granulated White Sugar
  • 1/4 cup Organic Coconut Oil or Olive Oil
  • 1 oz of Mamma Chia Organic Chia Seeds
  • 12 ml Organic Cranberry Seed Essential Oil. You can order it here ( if you want to make other scents we recommend lavender or mandarin
  • Mason jars or Bail jars
  • For color: We used strawberry gelatin mix but food coloring, hibiscus powder, or any sort of natural tint used in baking will work

Get to it!

TIP: If using coconut oil make sure to melt on the stove top or in the microwave.

Cranberry Chia Sugar Scrub

The sugar should be wet but not soupy. If too much coconut oil is used, the mixture will solidify once the coconut oil returns to room temperature.

Cranberry Chia Sugar Scrub

TIP: If you are using olive oil skip the first two steps.

Cranberry Chia Sugar Scrub
Combine sugar and oil, mix it up well, and divide into separate bowls. Add coloring and essential oil.
Cranberry Chia Sugar Scrub
Add the chia seeds last and stir well!
Cranberry Chia Sugar Scrub
Move the finished mixture into the jar, and you’re done!
Cranberry Chia Sugar Scrub