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DIY Cold & Flu Aromatherapy

January 14, 2016

With flu season in full swing, we all do our best to avoid those pesky sniffles and coughs.  We’re mindful to take good care of ourselves by washing our hands, working out and nourishing our bodies with chia (of course!), but sometimes it’s just not enough and we get run down.  So when those winter colds get the best of you, we have just the thing to put you on the path to feeling better; a simple DIY home remedy!

DIY Cold & Flu Aromatherapy | Mamma Chia Blog


  • 2 cups of purified water
  • 5 organic lemon slices
  • 1 Tbsp. of organic dried rosemary
  • 7-8 organic whole cloves
  • 4-5 drops organic essential oil blend of your choice (our blend contained: lemongrass, coriander, clove, oregano, thyme, and red mandarin)


  1. In a large pot combine water, lemon, rosemary and cloves and heat to a simmer on your stove top.
  2. Once it is heated to a steam, turn off the stove and add essential oil.
  3. Deeply inhale the aromas from the combined ingredients until satisfied.