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Seeds of Life

DIY Gratitude Wall Hanging

With the holidays quickly approaching, we often lose sight of what’s most important. Let us reflect and be mindful by giving thanks and expressing gratitude to those you love, and all the beauty around you. Practicing gratitude every day can make a huge difference in your life, which is why we often say “Gratitude fuels the Soul.” Gratitude is a powerful practice that can revolutionize your life and change your mindset forever! Here’s a fun and easy way to remind yourself of this important practice. Be sure to hang it where you will see it everyday!

DIY Gratitude Wall Hanging | Mamma Chia


What You’ll Need: 

  • Wood slice (We got ours from Michaels)
  • Tan/neutral paint in “chalky” finish
  • Medium paint brush
  • Pencil
  • Black paint with a small paint brush OR black paint pen
  • Printed message of your choice. Click HERE to download our “Gratitude Fuels The Soul” template.

DIY Gratitude Wall Hanging | Mamma Chia


  1. First, paint your wood slice with your desired chalk paint. We recommend 2 coats. Let dry completely.
  2. To transfer your text onto your wood slice, shade the back of your printed text with pencil.DIY Gratitude Wall Hanging | Mamma ChiaGratitude Wall Hanging DIY | Mamma Chia
  3.  Flip it back over and you will find a faint stencil of your design!
  4. Using your paint brush in black paint OR paint pen, simply fill in your stencil. Voila!

Now you have a beautiful sign to hang in your home!

DIY Gratitude Wall Hanging | Mamma Chia