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DIY Recycled Mamma Chia Holiday Bottles

December 10, 2015

When you thought that a refreshing bottle of Mamma Chia couldn’t get any better, think again!

Mamma Chia Holiday BottlesMamma Chia Holiday Bottles

Have your very own winter wonderland in your home this year with these DIY recycled Mamma Chia bottles. You can create this magical piece with any of our beverage bottles (we used our Chia Energy and Chia Vitality Beverage bottles) to dazzle your guests this holiday season. This inexpensive DIY project will bring joy and peace to your home, as well as, Mamma Earth.

Mamma Chia Holiday Bottles

What you need:

  • 1 Can of Primer
  • All-Purpose Spray Adhesive (we used Aleene’s Tacky Spray)
  • Newspaper
  • Epsom Salt
  • 3 Empty Mamma Chia Bottles
  • Holiday Picks (any holiday stems of your choice)

Extra Décor:

  • Silver Plate/Tray
  • Votive Candles
  • Ornaments


  1. Peel the label off the bottle.  No need to worry about the sticky residue left behind the primer will cover it.
  2. Protect your surface with newspaper and begin to spray each glass bottle evenly with primer. Spray at least 2-3 layers to make sure bottle is evenly coated, waiting until bottles are completely dry before adding a new layer. (We recommend to do this part outside)
  3. Spread out a thick layer of Epsom salt onto a sheet of newspaper. Spray one bottle at a time with tacky spray and immediately roll it across the Epsom salt until satisfied with the frosted layer. Repeat the remaining bottles.
  4. Arrange your holiday picks into the bottles anyway you wish.
  5. Optional: Place bottles onto a silver plate/tray and add any extra décor that appeals to you. Sprinkle a dash of Epson salt around the tray and enjoy!

Have a Chia-ful Holiday Season!