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Grateful Greens Smoothie Bowl

March 31, 2016

We are celebrating the first week of spring with this tasty green smoothie bowl packed with refreshing fruit, veggies and a splash of our Magical Chia & Greens beverage! Fire up that blender, grab a bowl, pile on toppings, and enjoy this green goodness we had to share!

Grateful Greens Smoothie Bowl | Mamma Chia

Grateful Greens Smoothie Bowl | Mamma Chia Blog


Smoothie Bowl Base:

  • 1 organic pineapple spear
  • 1 large organic banana
  • 1 small organic lime wedge w/skin
  • 1 peeled organic tangelo or small orange
  • 1 tbsp organic agave nectar
  • 1 cup organic spinach
  • 1/4  cup Organic Chia & Greens – Grateful Greens
  • 1 1/2 cup ice (add more if base is not thick enough)

Smoothie Bowl Toppings:

  • organic pineapple
  • organic strawberry
  • organic banana
  • shredded organic coconut
  • Mamma Chia Organic White Chia Seeds (of course!)
  • add anything your taste buds desire and be creative!


  1. Combine all smoothie bowl base ingredients into the blender, adding ice last
  2. Blend until your ingredients have reached a thick consistency
  3. Pour smoothie bowl base into a bowl and add your favorite toppings!
