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Guava Watermelon Chia Fresca

Happy National Refreshment Day! 

Guava Watermelon Chia Fresca

Cool off with the family after a day in the sun! Enjoy summer’s most popular fruit with a little twist of chia seeds for the ultimate hydrating beverage. Sip on our Guava Watermelon Chia Fresca and serve up this tasty drink whichever way you prefer! We have kid-friendly and adults-only recipes to share so that souls of any age can enjoy this summery treat! You can even freeze any left overs to create your own homemade Guava Watermelon Chia Fresca popsicles for dessert! YUM!

Guava Watermelon Chia Fresca

Guava Watermelon Chia Fresca

Guava Mamma Chia Fresca


Family-Friendly Mocktail:

  • 1 organic seedless watermelon
  • 1/2  cup Guava Mamma Chia Vitality Beverage
  • 1 organic lime, freshly squeezed
  • 1 Tbsp organic agave nectar
  • Watermelon or lime wedges set aside for garnish (optional)

Adult Cocktail: 

  • 2 1/2 ounces White Rum
  • 1 1/2 ounces Triple Sec

Guava Watermelon Chia FrescaPreparation: 

Family-Friendly Mocktail: 

  1. Chop the watermelon into 2-inch chunks separating it from the rind and place 4 cups into a blender.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients from the list to the blender and puree everything until it reaches a frothy consistency.
  3. Pour the Chia Fresca over ice and garnish with a watermelon or lime wedge.

Adult Cocktail: 

  1. Once the chia fresca is pureed, move to a beverage pitcher and add the Triple Sec and rum of your choice. Stir the additional ingredients until mixed well.
  2. Serve over ice and garnish with a watermelon or lime wedge.

Guava Watermelon Chia FrescaCHIA-EERS!