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Seeds of Life
Seeds of Life
Seeds of Life
Seeds of Life

Jar Full Of Blues

Too good to be just a blueberry smoothie!

You’ll love this bit of purple and red magic to seed your soul. Perfect for mornings or as a snack!

For The Smoothie:

2 Large Handfuls of Frozen or Fresh Blueberries

1 Large Handfuls of Frozen or Fresh Raspberries

2 Ripe Bananas(Use frozen for extra texture)

*Try using half an avocado or frozen mango instead of banana

1/2 cup Organic Apple Sauce

Handful of Ice

1/4 Cup Organic Almond Milk

Blend until you’ve got the blues!

Layer it up!

Create a base with Mamma Chia Vitality Granola

Pour that blues smooth smoothie in

Follow with another layer of granola and pack the top with fresh fruit

Option: add Mamma Chia organic Chia Seed and organic shelled hempseed to the top