We love handmade! We love small businesses too, especially ones that make awesome all natural products.
Torii, from Soaps By Torii, shared with us how she makes her soap and added a Mamma Chia twist. She uses all natural ingredients: non-GMO, organic, and locally sourced when possible!
Mantras Over Resolutions
2017 is essentially here and with the New Year comes a whole list of resolutions! Resolutions can be daunting, truly limiting to our unconscious. Common resolutions people make are often intended to break a pattern, or accomplish something they feel will change their lives for the better. Truth is, 80% of those who make resolutions on January 1 will have given up by Valentine’s Day!
So this year, we’ve decided to skip the resolutions altogether! We have come up with two positive ways to set a tone of inspiration and creativity in 2017.
First pick a mantra. A mantra is a powerful word or phrase that creates meaning differently than a typical sentence. A mantra, when repeated over and over, affirms our belief in ourselves. We begin to allow its meaning to seep below the surface, into our subconscious, helping to shift our negative habits and patterns into positive ones. A mantra can have a significant impact on our lives!
What we think and speak shapes how we feel inside and how we see the world around us. Boost your confidence this year and allow yourself to highlight and focus in on trust, courage, love, creativity, success, confidence, balance, partnership & clarity. Use words that are clear and easy to remember. Begin each day by repeating your mantra out loud or silently to yourself. Allow the words to guide your daily intentions and be the driving force of positivity! Here are some examples:
*Seed Your Soul
*I am here to grow
*I choose calmness over anxiety
*I am strong and healthy
*I strive to improve
We also think a bucket list is more interesting than a list of resolutions as it inspires us to explore, create, and make time for growing as individuals! Whether it’s exploring a new place, or trying a new activity, this list can consist of items that are as simple as eating at a restaurant you’ve been driving by for years or visiting your family a little more often. Your list can grow through the year as new ideas manifest themselves. Enjoy the simplicity of it. Set time aside to allow yourself to check off the items on your bucket list instead of your resolutions list! Your bucket list is a group of things you should look forward to doing, a way of creating new memories and trying something new!
We made a few printable templates to get you started. Download them below, set forth and be inspired this year!!!