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Marbled Blueberry Ice Cream

Marbled Blueberry Lavender Ice Cream

Sun “so hot it will melt your Popsicle”…or your ice cream in this case! Summer is officially a wrap after Labor Day weekend. Treat chia-self and your guests one last time during the holiday weekend with a creamy homemade treat! This marbled blueberry ice cream with hints of lavender and coconut goodness will have everyone melting over this delightful dessert. Take one scoop, two scoops, maybe even three! There’s plenty to go around for everyone to cool off with!

* This recipe requires an ice cream maker to create a creamy-like consistency.

Marbled Blueberry Lavender Ice Cream


  • 2 cans of full fat organic canned coconut milk or organic cream
  • 1/2 cup organic coconut milk
  • 1/3 cup organic blue agave
  • 1 tsp organic vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp dried organic culinary lavender
  • 1 1/2 cups organic blueberries
  • 2 Tbsp organic brown sugar
  • Optional: Wild Blueberry Chia Granola Clusters as a topping


  1. Add canned coconut, coconut milk, and agave to a medium saucepan. Heat the ingredients on low and slowly bring to a simmer being careful not to boil. Once ingredients start to simmer turn off stove and let it cool for a couple minutes.
  2. Transfer ingredients from the saucepan to a blender and add lavender and vanilla. Blend for a minute or until ingredients are combined.
  3. Place mixture in a covered container and stow away in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.
  4. Blend or mash up your blueberries with a fork and transfer into a small pan with brown sugar over medium heat. Stir together the ingredients until it starts to thicken. After about 15 minutes or when it reaches a syrup like consistency remove from heat, transfer into a covered container and stow in the refrigerator with the ice cream base.
  5. Pour coconut base into your ice cream maker and churn according to manufacturer’s directions until it reaches a soft serve texture. Ours took about 15-20 minutes. Transfer ice cream into a freezer friendly container filling it only half way with the coconut base. Take out your blueberry sauce and layer it on top. Repeat this again first layering in the coconut and placing the blueberry layer on top. Once tray is filled swirl together the ingredients with a knife or a toothpick to create a marbled look in the ice cream. Once finished cover the ice cream and place into the freezer for 3-4 hours or until the ice cream is hard enough to enjoy!

Marbled Blueberry Lavender Ice Cream