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Organic is Non-GMO

January 20, 2016

Organic is Non-GMO field

We love our Mamma Chia community and enjoy the authentic connections and personal interactions we share. One of the questions we often get is whether Mamma Chia products are Non-GMO. Being Non-GMO is part of the USDA Certification process, so as all Mamma Chia products are USDA Organic, they are naturally Non-GMO too!

What does it mean to be Organic?

USDA Certified Organic products are produced without the use of toxic pesticides and fertilizers, antibiotics, synthetic hormones, genetic engineering, sewage sludge (yes! that’s a conventional farming input), or irradiation. Yay! Who wants that?!

And, in order for Organic farms and processors to get certified they:

  • Do not use genetically modified ingredients
  • Preserve natural resources and biodiversity
  • Support animal health and welfare
  • Provide access to the outdoors so that animals can exercise their natural behaviors
  • Only use approved materials
  • Receive annual onsite inspections
  • Separate organic food from non-organic food


What does it mean to be Non-GMO (Non-Genetically Modified)?

Foods that are Non-GMO are free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and are not created in a laboratory using genetic engineering techniques.

Is Non-GMO always Organic?

No, it’s not! Non-GMO is one of the many benefits you get when you buy organic, but just because a product is Non-GMO, does not mean it is also organic.

Mamma Chia is a passionate supporter of the labeling of genetically modified foods and believe everyone should have the opportunity to make informed choices about what goes into their bodies – because we love Mamma Earth and her people!