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Seed Your Soul

plant of chia seedsMamma Chia’s mission is to share the magic of chia and lead in its renaissance. We are dedicated to offering the highest quality organic chia-based foods and beverages that provide vitality, energy and strength. Mamma Chia is a conscious and sustainable company that honors and uplifts both the soul of humanity and the soul of the planet.

Seed Your Community

Mamma Chia is a Certified B Corporation, a member of 1% For the Planet and a founding member of the Slow Money Alliance. Mamma Chia donates 1% of gross sales to support farmers, community groups and organizations that are building healthy, local food systems. The company is building cooperative relationships with chia growers and is committed to supporting their organic certification, social justice programs and overall community growth.

1% For the Planet
Slow Money Alliance
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA’s)
Certified B Corp

Organic Trade Association
Green America Certified

certified b corporation logoslow money founding member logoone percent for the planet memberorganic trade association membercertified business through green america