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Planting the Seed

It started on a small organic farm in rural San Diego, where Mamma Chia founder and CEO, Janie Hoffman, in her quest to find an ideal diet for her own health, fell in love with the magic of chia. Janie quickly discovered this amazing little seed was providing a powerful vitality boost and was instrumental in addressing some challenging health issues related to longstanding autoimmune disorders. mamma chia ceo and founder, janie hoffman Janie believes that there are several components to a healthy and joy-filled life and no one thing holds all the answers, but there is no doubt that once she incorporated chia into her daily diet there was a very noticeable increase in her vitality, energy and strength. Janie became so enchanted with these little seeds that she was literally adding them to everything in her kitchen and giving away chia treats to everyone she knew or crossed paths with, but it was her chia beverages that became the biggest hit with her friends and family. In addition to finding the beverages to be fun and delicious, they also experienced a noticeable increase in vitality. In the summer of 2009, fueled by her passion for chia and her commitment to be of service to humanity and the planet, Janie founded Mamma Chia — the first organic, chia-based food and beverage company. In addition to her love of chia, Janie and her husband, Lance, enjoy growing Hass avocados and pineapple guavas on their small farm with their 2 kitties, Spanky and Sparky, and their sweet dog, Yogi.

1% For the Planet
Slow Money Alliance
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA’s)
Certified B Corp

Organic Trade Association
Green America Certified

certified b corporation logoslow money founding member logoone percent for the planet memberorganic trade association membercertified business through green america