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Pumpkin Party DIY

Pumpkin Party DIY

Calling all ghouls, witches, and monsters to come party with us! We’ve got two simple pumpkin DIY’s that will be a hit for your haunted Halloween festivities.


We’re here for the BOOS. This innovative beverage cooler will spook your guests as eerie fog seeps out of your wicked pumpkin while keeping your beverages (non-alcoholic or alcoholic) chilled as you boogie the night away!

Pumpkin Party DIYPumpkin Party DIYPumpkin Party DIY

*Adult supervision is suggested while handling dry ice.


  • 1 large pumpkin
  • Cutting knife
  • Pencil/pen
  • Dry ice
  • Any beverage of your choice


  1. Gut and clean your pumpkin.
  2. Trace the bottom of the beverages you are using  to ensure the opening is the proper size.
  3. Make as many holes as you desire. Feel free to get creative and add any additional carvings.
  4. Insert beverages into their placeholder.
  5. Carefully handle dry ice, place inside the pumpkin, and add a splash water to create smoke.
  6. Chia-eers!


Pumpkin Party DIY

Don’t have time to carve a pumpkin or want to deal with the mess? No worries, just slap on a pack of your favorite shiny, metallic tattoos and have the flashiest pumpkin this Halloween season!


  • 1 pumpkin
  • Adhesive tattoos
  • Sponge or damp cloth


  1. Wipe down your pumpkin, removing any dirt or dust.
  2. Arrange the tattoos in any way on the pumpkin.
  3. Follow tattoo instructions or press damp cloth on tattoo and hold for 10-15 seconds.
  4. Carefully peel off paper backing and enjoy!