We love handmade! We love small businesses too, especially ones that make awesome all natural products.
Torii, from Soaps By Torii, shared with us how she makes her soap and added a Mamma Chia twist. She uses all natural ingredients: non-GMO, organic, and locally sourced when possible!
Pumpkin Powered Workout
Put down those Halloween sweets and get up on your feet! Earn that PSL you can’t resist and change up your workout routine turning your fitness game into a festive sweat sesh. The only equipment needed is a pumpkin (size of your choice) and enough space to get your muscles working. This full body workout burns so good it’s almost scary!
Pumpkin Push-Ups
Begin in a plank position with pumpkin directly below your chest. Feet are hip distance apart. Slowly lower yourself down, hugging your elbows in towards your torso. Stop once your shoulders are in line with your elbows. Press into your palms as your body rises back up into plank position. Do three sets of 10 reps.
Trick-or-Treat Triceps
Place feet hip distance apart with one foot staggered slightly behind the other. Lift pumpkin over head, bending at the elbows so that they point towards the sky, while lowering the pumpkin behind your head. Start to straighten back through your arms as the pumpkin comes back overhead. Do three sets of 10 reps.
Twisted Reverse Lunge
Begin standing with feet together and extend your arms away from your body holding the pumpkin out in front of your chest. Step back with one foot, bending both knees until your front leg reaches a 90 degree angle. Make sure your back heel is lifted as you sink down into your legs. Engage your core to protect your spine by drawing your ribs down and pulling your belly button in towards your spine. Turn your body away from the leg in the back (i.e. step your right leg back and twist to the left). Bring your leg back to center and switch. Repeat this movement on the opposite side, and once both sides are complete that counts as one rep. Do two sets of 15 reps.
Pumpkin Push Squats
Stand with feet wider than your shoulders, pumpkin is held at sternum height. Start to sit back pushing hips out behind you as if you were about to sit in a low chair. Chest stays lifted and weight is in your heels. Be mindful that your knees are not passing over your ankles. Push down through your heels as you rise back up, while pushing your pumpkin overhead simultaneously. Do three sets of 15 reps.
Spooky Sumo Squats
Begin standing feet out wide, in a straddle position. Heels are turned in as your toes face out with the pumpkin resting on the ground beneath you. Bend your knees and get low for your pumpkin! Shoulders should be stacked over hips to create on long line down your spine. Weight is in your heels as you reach down for your pumpkin with straight arms. Rise back up as you straighten through your legs as you lift your pumpkin up overhead. Do three sets of 15 reps.
Scary Side Squats
Stand with feet touching and holding your pumpkin at your chest. Step one foot out to the side and lunge down into a low squat. Chest is lifted while lowering pumpkin to the floor, protecting your low back. Also, be mindful of your knee passing over your ankle while lunging. Push off the side to which you lunged, bringing yourself back to center. Repeat on the other side. Once both sides are complete that counts as one rep. Do three sets of 15 reps.
Boo-tiful Obliques
Take a seat on the ground, holding your pumpkin up at chest height with bent elbows. Slowly begin to lean back onto your sitting bones avoiding any rounding in your back. Engage your core by drawing your belly button in towards your spine. You can keep your feet placed on the ground or lift them up to a hover with shins parallel to the sky for an added challenge. Gently twist your core and pumpkin to one side, then slowly alternate to the opposite side. Do two sets of 20 reps.
Wicked Sit-Ups
Lay down onto your back with your knees bent and feet placed on the floor. Arms should be extend overhead holding your pumpkin. Inhale deeply and as you exhale start to sit up using your core muscles to lift first your head, then shoulders with the pumpkin to follow. Hold at the top for a second and gently release back down to the ground one vertebrae at a time. Do two sets of 25 reps.
Fang-tastic Toe Sit-Ups
Stay laying down, but with your arms extended above your shoulders like you’re pushing the pumpkin towards the sky. Lift legs so your feet are above your hips. Take a deep breath in, exhale lifting your upper back off the ground and pushing the pumpkin towards your toes. Inhale as you lower yourself back down. Do two sets of 25 reps.