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Spooktacular Chia Slime

October 22, 2015

Get your little monsters excited for this gooey, chemical-free chia slime inspired by Fun at Home with Kids. Chia is so magical who knew it can also be a hands on activity that can be incorporated into play time? This edible concoction is safe for your little souls (although we suggest you don’t let them go digging in as well as parental supervision during play time)!

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Your ghouls and goblins will practically be squirming as they stretch and pull their Magical chia glob. This four ingredient slime is a great interactive idea with Halloween right around the corner! To find instructions on how to make our Spooktacular Chia Slime, please visit Fun at Home with Kids.


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Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset



Enjoy and have a Faboolous time!