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Stair Steppin' Workout by The Resource Girls

April 20, 2016

Stair Steppin' Workout by The Resource Girls

The days are finally getting longer, the sun is just a little bit warmer and the smell of new beginnings and a fresh start is in the air! This time of year has everyone feeling like they can conquer the world and their fitness routine, so there’s no time like the present to do just that. Time to get steppin’!

As certified Resource Girls, we never like anything that’s too complicated or expensive. We like our workouts to be quick and efficient so that we can move on with our day. This is how we came up with this short and sweet body weight workout that will leave you burning calories, sore the next day, and feeling like a true boss. The only thing you need is a set of stairs and your own two feet.

It may be a little corny, but we LOVE acronyms when it comes to workouts. You only need to remember one word, in this case STEP,  and this will jog your memory for the specific exercise associated with each letter. It’s simple, so there’s no excuse not to get it done!

S – Step

Find some steps somewhere in your area. Think you don’t have steps? We’re sure there is a local high school that has a stadium or bleachers. We promise you can find steps somewhere. Get creative!

Every two minutes, alternate between jogging up and down the stairs and walking briskly, skipping a step each time. It should look something like this:

0-2 minutes – Jog up/down the stairs

2-4 minutes – Walk up/down stairs skipping a step every time.

4-6 minutes – Jog up/down the stairs

6-8 minutes – Walk up/down stairs skipping a step every time.

Keep this up for a total of twenty minutes!

Stair Steppin' Workout by The Resource Girls


T – Tricep Dips

Sit on the bottom step, place hands just outside the width of your body while keeping shoulders down and away from ears. Bend at the elbow to lower your body in front of the step, don’t let your butt touch the ground then press up and extend arms until your arm is straight. Squeeze your triceps at the top of the movement.

To make this movement more advanced keep legs straight, to modify, bend legs as needed. Do 8 reps, rest then repeat.

Stair Steppin' Workout by The Resource Girls

E – Extensions

While sitting on a step and keeping arms at your sides, extend legs straight out in front of you then bring knees into chest and back out again. You should definitely feel this in your lower abs. For a more advanced version also extend arms straight out in front of you, this will force you to balance by tightening your core.

Stair Steppin' Workout by The Resource Girls

P – Push-Up (with incline)

It wouldn’t be a Resource Girls workout without a couple push-ups thrown in! Try to do at least thirty incline push-ups. Modify by going to your knees or try a couple on your toes then go to your knees. You’re stronger than you think you are!

Stair Steppin' Workout by The Resource Girls

S – Squat

Not just any squat though, split squat stance utilizing the stairs. (see picture) With your left side of your body parallel to the steps, place your left foot on the first step and keep your right foot on the ground as you squat. Your right foot should be slightly back from your left, right knee bent, right heel up and weight in toes. Now squat up and down making sure left knee stays above ankle.

Attempt twenty reps then turn around to work your right side! Whether you do more or less than twenty, do the same number on each side.

Stair Steppin' Workout by The Resource Girls

We hope that after this short workout, your worries are less, your smile just a little bigger, and your spirit feels free. Seed Your Soul by opening your heart to something new and STEP into all the new possibilities this day has to offer! We promise you won’t regret it.

Stair Steppin' Workout by The Resource Girls

The Resource GirlsLauren and Cat are two best friends who have a lifestyle blog, The Resource Girls. They blog about what they call their 5 F’s – fashion, fitness, finance, food, and friendship. Their number one goal is to embrace who they are and live a healthy and happy life while not spending a fortune. They especially love DIY projects because they can put their own spin on something and make it 100% unique to them. Their motto is Be resourceful. Be you.