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Summer Chia Jam

Summer Peach Chia Jam

Let’s jam it out! Chia jam that is. Keep chasing those summer vibes and get your taste buds going with a juicy peach chia jam!  Whip up this versatile treat so you can enjoy at all times throughout the day. Spread it across some crisp toast, slap together two pieces of bread with some peanut butter for a PB & chia jelly sandwich, or add a dab of it to a light cracker during your wine and cheese night for a hint of sweetness on your palate.

Summer Chia JamSummer Chia JamSummer Peach Chia JamSummer Peach Chia Jam



  1. Rinse off your peaches and cut into halves. Skin the outer layer of the peach and remove it’s pit.
  2. Throw peaches into a blender or food processor with honey added. Slightly pulse the peaches until you reach a consistency of your liking.
  3. Add 2 tablespoons chia seeds and ½ tsp of cinnamon, stir well.
  4. Transfer the chia jam into an air tight container and let it sit for at least 3 hours.
  5. Spread on toast or crackers for a sweet healthy treat!