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Top 5 Favorite Green Foods to Eat

March 3, 2016

Hello March! We’re feelin’ more green than normal this month and we mean it in a good way! Time to start grubbing on the Magic of these power veggies and discover new facts about our top 5 greens to eat! They’ll be sure to keep you extra groovy this month!

Top 5 Favorite Greens to Eat

1. Broccoli

Skip the fruits with this green veggie that’s ready to fill your belly up. One cup of fresh broccoli is equivalent to an orange, giving you your full daily serving of vitamin C! Broccoli, just like chia seeds, are high in fiber and it just so happens our new Chia & Greens beverages contain the two! So grab a bottle, drink up and get a double whammy of both nutrient packed foods!

2. Kale

Kale Yeah! This power green is great source of alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid, which is essential for brain health. Did you know most of the kale in the U.S is grown in California? No wonder we’re nicknamed Kale-ifornia!

Throw together a quick kale salad to keep you sustained throughout the day. Kale and Honeycrisp Apple Salad: 2 handfuls of Kale, half of a honeycrisp apple diced, 1 tbsp dried cranberries, 1 tbsp feta cheese, 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds, add any dressing of your choice.

3. Cucumber 

Be “cool as a cucumber” with this refreshing snack. This veggie may not be considered a power green, but its special powers have us wanting more, which is why this veggie is on our top 5 list. Don’t drink enough water during the day?  Crunch on some cucumber slices to hydrate your soul since they’re made up of 95% water, keeping you full and kicking any hunger cravings to the curb!

Kick back and relax with this light and easy salad from The Fresh Find! Tomato, Cucumber, and Mint Salad: 2 medium cucumbers, 3 roma tomatoes, 1/2 small onion, 1/2 medium avocado, 1 handful of mint, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp red wine vinegar.

4. Spinach

With Kale taking the current spotlight in the “power green” category, nutrient-rich spinach is often left in the dark. This leafy green is exceptionally beneficial for our vegan and vegetarian friends, as it is high in niacin, zinc, protein, fiber, vitamins C, A, E and K, thiamine, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and copper. Wow! This soft and flavorful green is a wonderful addition to any smoothie, juice, or salad!

Sauté a handful of spinach in a pan with a small drizzle of olive oil, and you’ve got a nutritious and delicious side dish. Add 1 Tbsp. of chia seeds for even more added nutrients!

5. Swiss Chard

It’s evident how nutritious this plant is by its bright-colored stalks and dark green leaves! The high fiber content in this plant (4g in 1 cup of cooked chard) is perfect for aiding digestion, as well as regulating blood sugar levels and improving overall colon health.

Incorporate swiss chard into your next smoothie with this simple and tasty recipe! Swiss Chard and Mango Smoothie: blend 1 cup of swiss chard with 1 cup frozen mango, ½ cup water, ½ cup ice, 1 lime wedge, and fresh squeezed juice of ½ an orange. Enjoy!