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Seeds of Life
Seeds of Life
Seeds of Life
Seeds of Life


While 2017 is all about incorporating our mantras, January is all about wellness! This post is aimed at giving you examples of how to turn those mantras into actions. Our overall wellness should be a focal point in every aspect of our lives. From the foods we useto nourish our bodies, to the remedies we use to keep ourselves whole, to creating tidy spaces where we can manifest creativity, maintaining wellness throughout the year is imperative to our personal growth!

To continue with our ideas of being well and living by our mantras, we’ve put together a few ways for you to quickly reset your mind, body, and soul.

Revisit these all year-round, whenever you need to recenter yourself!


I Am Free From Clutter

“The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” written by Marie Kondo was featured as number one on the  New York Times best seller list. Throughout her book she walks readers through a step-by-step process of cleaning up their spaces. Use this mantra to declutter your life. Start simply by discarding unnecessary time wasters on your digital devices. Next, move onto your car, and end with the largest project, your home.

You’ll find with exhaling all we don’t need, we give ourselves space to inhale beauty, contentment, and productivity.

We are firm believers that a clear, well curated, space can help cultivate peace, and serenity, while providing a place to create and inspire ourselves and others.

*You can buy the book HERE

I Am Nourished 

There are so many foods we could talk about here. Heck! We could do an entire year’s worth of posts, just on what each food does to nourish our soul, and feed our body. Chia is close to our heart, it’s the reason we love what we do. Any chance to share more about the benefits of these funky little seeds with you,  is an opportunity we’ll jump at!

We love the powerful benefits of Chia! Chia seeds are among the most concentrated sources of  calcium. In fact, they contain about three times more per ounce than skim milk! Each one of our Mamma Chia Vitality Beverages is jammed packed with a daily dose of Omega-3, 25% of our dietary fiber and 4 grams of complete protein!

Who better to turn to than our friends, who are already incorporating Mamma Chia Seeds into their daily diets.

Now you can too!!

earthy andy

Who said you had to eat a meal with a spoon or fork? Chia seed are a great addition to any healthy smoothie!

From Earthy Andy, Neapolitan Chia Partfait/Smoothie

California Country Gal used our Mango Coconut Chia Squeeze to make Grain Free Bread Pudding 

A fan favorite of ours from Instagram @FromMyVeganKitchen shows us how three simple ingredients can turn into a delicious stack of Chia pancakes.

* We love to see how you are nourishing your bodies with the power of Chia! Make sure to tag us and use the hashtag #MammaChia and #MammaChiaMakes to share your recipes with us and the rest of the Mamma Chia family!

I Am Hydrated 

Start your mornings off with a big dose of hydration by drinking a cup of hot water with a whole lot of lemon.

1. Lemon water helps rejuvenate dull skin.

2. Drinking lemon water aids in digestion, leaving your tummy feeling better, and you looking less bloated.

3. Lemon water has been known to boost your energy levels while giving you needed vitamin C.

Whether it’s boosting your immune system, or aiding in balancing your body’s PH levels, with water, there’s a little something for everyone!

Infusing your water with fruit is a simple yet effective way to assist in detoxing your body. Not to mention the added flavors make water way more exciting to drink! Chances are, you’ll not only enjoy making these pretty drinks but love the way they taste too!

I fill My Mind, Body, And Soul

In our last post of 2016, we talked about choosing mantras over resolutions. Dedicate time each day to evaluate yourself.  A large focus for this year should be whether or not we are truly living our mantras, inviting in all they have to offer us.

Make 2017 and every year after, a year where you fulfill goals, and attract positivity into your life. Set time to keep filling in these bucket lists, as well as giving yourself time to reflect, and find ways to turn these mantras into actions.

Find, or set up, a quiet space to keep only for you and your soul. Spend time here each day, even if it’s only for a few minutes. Meditate on your mantras, and refocus if need be. Work hard with us this year to solidify your daily, weekly, monthly, and life long intentions. Sometimes, we need a simple reset, and a reminder of what we need to fill our mind, body, and soul.

#SeedYourSoul #MammaChia

Share with us how you are turning your mantras into actions! We might just share them in our next week’s blog!