Michael Wall Engineering has provided design for over 32 individual power projects at this General Dynamics NASSCO shipyard. The shipyard serves the U.S. Navy’s global fleet and is the largest full-service shipyard on the West Coast of the United States. Designs for over $50 million and 20MVA of new substations have featured very rugged electrical switchgear suitable for the outdoor marine industrial environment. Michael Wall Engineering has been working at NASSCO since 2001.

Our design work has included an extensive range of industrial electrical systems including a new 2000A 12kV electrical service that supplies six (6) 3000kVA unit substations at the paint shop. Specification of 12kV sectionalizing SF6 gas switches were designed into the 12kV distribution system, allowing NASSCO to perform easy maintenance while eliminating plant outages. All electrical systems are designed for the hostile industrial marine environment and provide high reliability and extremely rugged construction. Specialized engineering designs were provided for welding tables, dry docks, pin jigs, slipways, blasting cells, and paint booths. Engineering consulting was provided for short circuit and coordination studies, 12kV service entrance replacements, substation replacements, power factor correction, and pier expansion.
San Diego, CA
Project Type
$50 Million
20MVA of New Substations
Synergy Electric
Baker Electric