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Downtown Utility Improvements Engineering and Design
City of Renton, WA

Murraysmith is currently working with the City of Renton to complete the final design of City-owned utilities in the downtown core in preparation for major redevelopment and revitalization. Located in a historic area, the project has required the team to navigate extensive existing and legacy utilities, as well as residences and businesses located along busy streets.

The design challenges include 8,000 linear feet of eight- to 24-inch diameter sewer main and appurtenances, as well as the design of approximately 6,100 linear feet of storm drain and over 3,300 linear feet of 12-inch diameter water main and appurtenances. Multiple connections to King County’s 108-inch diameter East Side Interceptor pipeline and several crossings underneath SPU’s large diameter Cedar River Pipelines (CRPLs) add further complexity. Intensive geotechnical and archeological investigations of the area were also required.

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The project team has employed creative strategies to streamline the project, such as simplifying and accelerating the plan review process using Bluebeam Sessions that allows multiple stakeholders to update documentation simultaneously, ensuring everyone’s needs are met.

Murraysmith conducted a construction impact analysis to help the City plan and coordinate with residents and businesses in case of impacts during construction. Murraysmith recommended a phased design and implementation to minimize impacts, which required significant analysis of new utility alignment alternatives across many City blocks. The team also coordinated extensively with franchise utilities, reviewing as-builts and, in some cases, relocating other utilities prior to construction. This culminated in streamlined project design that will provide the City with a long-lasting utility network.




Project Highlights

  • Large project in historic downtown area
  • Complex existing utilities, archaeological artifacts, and known environmental contamination
  • Connection to King County Eastside Interceptor
  • Crossings under SPU Cedar River Pipelines
  • Capital improvement program
  • Groundwater exploration and development plan
Select Stormwater Projects

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