At this year's Pacific Northwest Section-American Water Works Association Conference—the Northwest's largest conference and trade…
Solving Problems with Roundabouts
We’re putting the final touches on the Jackson School Road Roundabout, anticipated to be completed this summer! The roundabout alleviates conflict at the previously offset Scotch Church and Meek Road intersection, which was over capacity during peak traffic hours and had a high crash rate (including one fatality).
The new roundabout is expandable. A single-lane to two-lane design requires minimal reconstruction and no right of way acquisition to accommodate future traffic growth. This modern design includes:
- Offset left entry lanes to decrease speed
- Tangential exit lanes to promote ease-of-exit for large vehicles
- Chicanes to address high speeds in the rural setting
- Extended splitter islands and continuous illumination to enhance safety
The extremely flat area posed stormwater challenges, but our engineers implemented Low Impact Development Approaches to meet requirements under a USACE/DSL Joint Permit Application using new SLOPES V criteria. Now, we’re waiting for the summer to pass so we can install the final grass seed stabilization and water quality plantings with the peace of mind that stable precipitation brings!
The Murraysmith team’s services included:
- Signalized intersection versus roundabout alternatives analysis
- Traffic analysis
- Public involvement
- Right of way acquisition
- Natural resource assessment
- Wetland delineation
- Environmental permitting
- Roadway improvement design
- Four-phase traffic control plan
- Utility coordination
- Signing and striping
- Illumination
- Construction support
- Field staking